Thursday, May 21, 2015

Recording Your Screen To Share With Support

Recording Your Screen To Share With Support

A cross-platform, Java-based screen recording tool is available that enables you to record your screen, which you can then send to IBM Support with any other data that might be requested.  This tool will allow you to record your screen while recreating a problem locally or to share a set of steps with IBM Support.

How To Record Your Screen

Notes before you begin:
  • The java-screen-recorder tool requires a Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the system that you wish to record
  • Only the primary monitor will be recorded if you are using multiple monitors
  • The tool does not capture audio during the recording
Complete the following steps to download the tool and record your screen:
  1. Download the file.
  2. Extract the file to a directory on the system that you are going to record.
  3. Start the java-screen-recorder tool by double-clicking the screen_recorder.jar file or by issuing the following command:

    java -jar screen_recorder.jar

    Note: A Java™ Runtime Environment must be installed on the system to run the screen recorder.
  4. Click Start Recording in the tool's window to begin recording your screen.

  5. Recreate the steps or problem.
  6. Click Stop Recording in the tool's window to stop recording.

  7. Save the recording, when you are prompted, to a file on your local system.

  8. Send the file to IBM Support. For more information, see Exchanging information with IBM Support.

How To Playback The Recording

Complete the following steps to playback the recording:
  1. Start the java-screen-recorder tool by double-clicking the screen_player.jar file or by issuing the following command:

    java -jar screen_player.jar

    Note: A Java™ Runtime Environment must be installed on the system to run the screen player.
  2. Click Open Recording on the player toolbar.

  3. Select the recoding that you want to play and click Open.

  4. Click Play to start viewing the recording.