1.Twitter Influencer Analyzer
Twitter Influencer Analyzer is a web application which collects data from Twitter, Klout and Google Maps to display influence relationships between twitter users.
This is a Node.js app that uses the following cloud services:
Cloudant NoSQL DB
2.How to Run and Deploy the Node MySQL Upload App
This is a NodeJS app that uses the following cloud services:
MySQL Database
This app demonstrates how to connect to a MySQL database on codename: BlueMix from a NodeJS app. Simply upload a line-separated file of text (e.g. tweets), and it will add each line to MySQL.
Wordpress work on the IBM BlueMix Platform.A step by step guide how to deploy wordpress to BlueMix
4.Building a real-time polls application with Node.js, AngularJS and MongoDB
This application allows you to create polls - and enables users to vote on polls, with the results updating in real-time. The app accompanies the IBM developerWorks article Building a real-time application with Node.js, AngularJS and MongoDB.
The app uses the following libraries and frameworks:
Jade templates
Bootstrap 3
You can see the app running live at http://bluemixpolls.mybluemix.net/.
5.How to Run and Deploy the Twitter Influence Analyzer
his is a Java app that uses the following cloud services:
- Cloudant
6. Blog application on BlueMix
This is a demo application to test out Node.js, Cloudant and BlueMix. It is a simple blogging application with the data being stored in a Cloudant database. When a blog post is published, it is: * stored in Clouding * sent to the MQlight message queue * each server picks up the item from the message queue and broadcasts it to all connected clients via Websockets
7.How to Run and Deploy the Picture Finder App
Use the IBM Bluemix Location services and Instagram to find pictures near an address. It's written in Node.js and uses the following Bluemix services:
Pitney Bowes Geocoding service
8.BlueMix Job candicate search
https://github.com/IBM-Bluemix/bluemix-hr-outreachPitney Bowes Geocoding service
8.BlueMix Job candicate search
A node.js project to use Linked API to find candicate on the Linkedin
9.BlueMix Cloud Photo Album
A java application to show how to upload photo on the BlueMix
https://github.com/data-henrik/db2welcome-bluemixThe code shows how to combine DB2 and Python on IBM Bluemix (http://bluemix.net). It requires either a free trial or a regular account and the creation of a SQL DB (DB2) service. The tables (schema.sql) are created using the administration interface, then the data loaded.